Dentistry: Surgical

  • Socket Preservation

    6 May 2024
    Socket preservation is a technique used to maintain bone density following tooth extraction, preventing additional bone loss. This procedure involves…
  • Crown Lengthening

    6 May 2024
    Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed by a dentist to expose a greater amount of tooth structure to subsequently…
  • Bone Augmentation

    6 May 2024
    Before proceeding with dental implant surgery, your dentist will need to assess your mouth's ability to support the implants. While…
  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction

    6 May 2024
    Wisdom teeth can sometimes cause issues like pain, tooth crowding and infections, and removal may be necessary. Most erupted wisdom…
  • Tooth Extractions 

    6 May 2024
    When teeth are beyond saving, extraction becomes necessary. But rest assured, our surgery offers diverse solutions for a comfortable and…
  • Dental Implants

    6 May 2024
    One of the options to replace a missing tooth is a dental implant. Dental implants are surgically placed in your…